This warranty covers damaged parts or items that were sent in error. We offer a only parts warranty.
No labor costs are covered for any item that is sold from Quality Auto Parts.If the part is damaged, we will attempt to repair it. If there is no replacement available, we will offer a refund of the entire amount of sale. If an order is placed prior to the return of the initial part, we will request payment for the second item and will refund the original purchase when the return is made. The cost of returning the item are not reimbursed. When contacting Quality Auto Parts please provide an explanation in detail of the reason why the part has to be returned.

If a component is returned that doesn’t meet the requirements of this guarantee, Quality Auto Parts reserves the option of imposing the restocking fee of 25% and to defer shipping costs for refunds.

Quality Auto Parts is not accountable for the items that are delivered to the address specified when the sale was made, according to the tracking information, but not taken by the purchaser.

Items purchased for testing purposes only or incorrectly ordered by the customer won’t be returned. Make sure to verify with an experienced mechanic on the specific component required prior to ordering. We do an excellent job of sending the correct parts and we would like you to be our customer, to conduct necessary research prior to ordering. Products returned after the warranty period has expired will not be replaced and will be returned to the sender. Parts must be returned within 30 days from the original date of delivery for the shipment to be considered accepted.